Take you to a gay bar lyrics

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It's not every day that James bond strolls into a gay bar, as he did in Venice, California. by Anonymousĭaniel Craig Pays Visit to Venice, California Gay Bar Jerked off in front of him to change his mind. Went down on a few guys, stalked one guy in the locker room as he was getting dressed to leave. Richard Nester %E2%80%93 The Canadian Shopping Channel %E2%80%93 Really HAIRY, not unfriendly. Thought guys were chasing after him, when they really weren't. Ken Kostik %E2%80%93 (Dean McDermott's ex-wife Mary Jo Eustice former co-host on 'What's For Dinner') Saw him at three times, really stuck up. Just went to get what he wanted, and then split. Both times I saw him were in the afternoon. Pierre Pettigrew %E2%80%93 Saw him TWICE! Smooth, with hardly any body hair. Only Canadians will recognize these names Real nice person who chatted with everyone who approached him Scott Thompson %E2%80%93 Another nice guy, who didn't shun anyone or act stuck-up.

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Just because he spoke to guys, doesn%E2%80%99t mean he went bed with them. I'm from Toronto, so some might not recognize these names.īrian Orser %E2%80%93 Extremely nice, chatted with everyone and anyone who approached him. Someone seems to always ask this every month that I should just keep save a copy of my post so I can just cut and paste.

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